At last I am committing to doing a regular blog
At last I am committing to doing a regular blog; dragged a little kicking and screaming, maybe, by those who know better, but ultimately glad that I have potentially found a new vehicle for communicating with those of you with common interests.
Why am I doing this? It is a natural follow-on from my book “Connect through Think Feel Know” (available through Amazon etc). Essentially, the book is about the emerging principles of neuroscience communicated in everyday language. Modern technology means we have insights not previously available to us and their implications for current and future generations are enormous. I wrote the book because I wanted to capture and share the powerful learning I was experiencing on my journey.
The book is done but my learning goes on and key to this is the sharing of these insights with others who also have something to contribute – and we all have something to contribute! So it provides me with a vehicle for reflecting on the principles I have shared so far and their continuous development in the context of real life experiences. Sounds a bit heavy? I hope it won’t be as I get into the flow.
Hopefully I can find engaging ways of sharing the learning, including real life examples and stories.I head up the coaching business Think Feel Know and I use these principles on a daily basis so it should not be difficult to provide real life illustrations -without breaking any client confidences of course!
So, if you are fascinated and/or confused by human behaviour this could be a way of sharing more light on what really makes us tick. I will be talking about areas like communication styles, leadership, advanced human performance, teams, culture, strategy, sporting prowess, learning, personal change, confidence, energy, creativity, logic, instincts and intuition.
And I will start by sharing some fundamental insights which you may find radical and surprising but, most of all, I hope they will be enlightening. Any feedback is of course very welcome, as are any questions.